7 Ways To Keep Your Hustle On Point in 2011

Pimp slap your way to the top!Sit down and get ready, because I’m in the mood to write like nobodies business!

Sure – the average person thinks of a hustler as being some 5 foot 2, shady black dude with greasy hair and suede shoes.  Though this “character” brings me tons of joy in the form of Snoop Dog and Premium Pimp Suits – I’m referring to the mindset of a hustler and how important it is to keep the “do or die” survival attitude, especially when times are not so great.

I’d like to remind everyone reading this (especially those of you who are still struggling to get things popping online) that in 2011, if you don’t hustle like your home is about to be foreclosed, you will never make it in the years that lie ahead.  As much as I am writing this to you, and am repeating this to myself as well.

Why is 2011 the year to HUSTLE your HARDEST?

Because EVERYONE and there mother is hustling.  Your aunt is on Facebook running a group about arts and crafts while you’re little nephew is raising money online for his school’s theater program.  This is a fast paced, technology infused world we live in – and if you’re game isn’t on point, you’re money situation will blow goats and you’ll be a loser just like me (sometimes).

I figured to stay on top of things I should make a list of reminders or “best practices” to follow when my hustle juice is running low – so why not put it up on the blog and share it with the best readers in the world (that would be you)?

7 Things You Need to Hustle in 2011

  1. Hustle the living crap out of your passions.  I know the whole “hustle” and “passion” thing is quite popular with guys like Gary V, but those who know Veronica and I know that passion has been the name of the game for us since day one.  I’m passionate about music, business, ideas and technology.  She’s is passionate about architecture, design, crafts and functionality.  These are the areas where our hustle juice should flow 80% of the time moving forward.
  2. Keep yourself looking pimp at all times.  The truth is, the better you look, the more confident you will be the better you will feel.  This includes weekly shaving (men and women), showers and clean clothes.  If you hate doing laundry like me, keep your outfits clean enough that you can rotate effectively and where each item a little longer.  If something starts to smell – wash it.  If a shirt is only “decent” – iron it so it looks fresh.
  3. Purchase nothing without finding a deal first. Perfect example, we’re taking a road trip soon and need to replace our tires.  Veronica hustled online, made a bunch of phone calls, and found a great deal – saving over $100 compared to a major tire installation package.  That hundred dollars can now be put back into the hustle machine and used for something else.  Goal scored for the home team.
  4. What you put in, you will get out. Pretty self explanatory.  The better you eat, the better you feel and the more “regular” you are.  What you read, watch and absorb through your senses will directly reflect in your behavior – so stay away from CNN and Halo Reach every now and then – because violence and fear, as much as it makes for great entertainment, is not good for your soul.
  5. Surround yourself by other hustlers. My good friend and skype buddy SuiteJ reminded me of this in a convo last night – if you’re always hanging out with negative, broke people – you’ll always be negative and broke (something like that).  Surround yourself with people who have just as much drive as you do.  Spend time with those who love and support you as well as those who you can directly benefit from – and don’t be ashamed of this.
  6. Stay on the low down, when permitting. A huge part of having a good hustle is the ability speak with your actions, and only get into details when absolutely necessary.  Don’t go around telling people how great your business is doing and what you’re working on – I have a bad habit of always talking work, and it’s time that became more strategic.  Speak by getting shit done – period.
  7. You are your most valuable asset. If you are not in the game of branding yourself, then it’s time to step things up.  Get your online accounts in check and up to date.  Always have business cards – even if you work for the man in some cubicle – print out some cards with your name, current job title and personal email etc.  If you don’t have a blog, start one – because you never know who is looking you up on or off line.

What are some things you feel is CRUCIAL for the ultimate HUSTLE?

Do the comment thing below – let’s take this list to 50!



Swimming Upstream Is The Hardest Part

Hi All!

Here I am . . .  resurfacing again!

I’ve been working my (now littler) butt off.  I know it’s not over yet, but this year has been especially grueling.  I’ve immersed myself in a career and I’m afraid that I’ve lost sight of my goals.  In fact, I’m in a place right now where they are changing on a daily basis.  I am pulled between what I want and what I have been taught to want.  Teetering between creating my rules and following already set ones.  Don’t get me wrong, I really like my job and I feel extremely fortunate to be working directly in my field, pretty much on the front lines.  And it’s not like the rules I have to follow now are as restrictive as others I’ve encountered.  It’s because of this that I struggle with what to do next.  I feel like decisions are going to be thrown at me in the near future and they are going to be life changing.  You know, the ones that fork the road and require the “what if” reminiscing later on in life.

And then, in a weird twist of life, I came across a manifesto and movement today on one of my favourite blogs, princesslasertron.com.

Chris Guillebeau is the author of The Art of Non Conformity. A book for “for unconventional people who want to do remarkable things.” He is living his dream and has made a commitment to visit every country in the world and so far, has been very successful.  In addition to making your passion your work, he emphasizes helping people and giving back.  So simple.  Pretty impressive.

After reading his manifesto, A Brief Guide to World Domination, I feel better.  Even though going against the grain of the mainstream and doing things a little differently is harder and takes longer to reveal success, it is necessary for change.  If you think about it, our entire world consists of products and services that were created by people who had the cahones to do things differently and succeed.   I think this book  is just what I need to re-strategize where I want to take my life, what I want to be doing and how I want to be doing it.

I’ll let you know how it goes.   ü



Prospecting Your First Offline Consulting Client

Hey guys, short post today.

I just finished watching a wack load of videos from a guy named Kelly Verge.  If you’re interested in getting into the offline consulting game i.e. being hired by local businesses to promote them online, build a website, ppc etc…  You’ll definitely want to watch these videos.

I think there’s 4 in total – and this dude goes into really good detail regarding prospecting, inbound marketing, and how to speak with local business owners in a way that will close sales. I’ve posted up video number 2 which I really dug.

Postcards is where the party is that!

Hopefully he’s got a Google Alert on his name and will come by and comment – cause I don’t even know him and I’m promoting his shit for free.

Ah well.  I got my own money pffft.



How Bad Do You Want To Quit Your Job?

How to quit your jobI’m fortunate to be self employed for over 2 years, and though my knuckles and bank account are still scraping the bottom, I don’t ever regret quitting my previous job.  The question is, for those of you who are bored tired at your current day job – what’s stopping you from quitting or looking for something better/more enjoyable?

If working a day job is something that you must do because of commitments, children, massive debt etc..  that’s totally okay – but don’t get too comfortable with the idea of stability and a risk free life, because this is the ultimate recipe for a mediocre existence.  And there is no one in this world that wants a life that is “fine”.

PROBLEM: You hate your current job, boss or industry.

SOLUTION: Start looking for something better.  And when I say looking, I don’t mean sending out resumes online for 2 weeks and then giving up.  Get your act together, spruce up your resume (even embellish if needed) and decide what it is you want and how you are going to make it happen. If you need a fake reference, just send me an email – I can say you worked for my company and that you’re awesome (which isn’t a lie).

This job doesn’t have to be permanent, so wipe that thought from your mind because that will do nothing but make you feel stuck again – just in a different environment.  Think of your new job as a stepping stone to your ultimate goal.

My buddy Alastair just had a huge win, and I will use him as a great example:  He is in the Restaurant/Venue Management industry and last night he told me that he quit his job – and found something WAY better.  I was so pumped when I heard this that I may have pooped a little in my pants…

We’re talking about going from managing a mediocre dessert bar in the ghetto to managing an uptown, upscale “old hollywood” inspired supper lounge.  It took him months of phone calls, walk ins and hustling – but he made it happen!  And though he’d much rather be a Restaurateur and running his own joint (only a matter of time) he’s being positive, excited and realizing the abundance of opportunity this new job is going to give him.

On top of all this, it’s easier for him to get too and I’m a 20 minute commute (VIP by association rocks).

What I’m trying to say is I know it’s tough – and scary – but it is necessary to TAKE THE LEAP every few years until you get to where you want to be.  I don’t care how old you are, how many kids you have or what your monthly bills look like – you must keep moving and avoid becoming stagnant.  You mustn’t look too far ahead, but still have a grasp of your end goal and how you will achieve it – whatever that “it” may be!


What’s stopping you?

Don’t be a wussy and share your thoughts/current situation – letting others know is the first step to getting the ball rolling!

