WordBoo.com Is Here: Affordable Web 2.0 Content Services

Boo To Expensive Writers!Taking the “con” out of content and putting the “art” back in article!

After several weeks of development and planning, WordBoo.com is officially open to the public.  Being a professional blogger, site flipper and web developer has given me the ability to write on any topic – because before I started making money I couldn’t afford to outsource my articles, so I had no choice but to write them myself!

Over the last few months I’ve put together a small team of writers here in Toronto – all ready to work with you, not for you, on your next Web 2.0 project.  Our laptops are powered up and we’re ready to kick some ass – so let’s go!

WordBoo.com will be partnering with you to provide the following services:

We carefully craft each piece of content with the sole purpose of sparking participation from the reader.  Whether that action is to click, comment, submit or subscribe – this focus is what defines the quality of our work, and more importantly, what makes our content ready to be published throughout various Web 2.0 applications.

Here’s a little back story of how WordBoo.com came to fruition…

As my various business ventures started to take off, I realized that the Internet was polluted with content that most copywriters and seasoned veterans would consider to be just short of crappy – and this has become a serious problem.

I decided that to combat this issue I would have to provide a content creation service that was not only above par, but also affordable and targeted.  The web needs content that is engaging, witty and humorous.  Webmasters need content that is accessible, reliable and results-oriented and this is how WordBoo was born.

The Internet of today is an entity which is driven by it’s users via applications, communities and conversations.  At the middle of these interactions is something we all take for granted – high quality content.  WordBoo.com is different than any other writing service on the market.  We look different, talk different and write different.

We encourage you to be different as well – and stop by our residence to see what we’re all about!

For all you ninjas who are interested in spreading the word and making some cash, we’ve also set up an affiliate program which rewards a healthy 15% commission across the board.  Our lowest content package is $27 USD with our highest package (advertised) at almost $300 USD.

Do the math and you’ll realize that promoting a service which the Internet “needs” is not going to be difficult at all.  It’s kind of like trying to convince a mother that she needs to go to the grocery store – do you really need to sell the idea of outsourcing content to webmasters?  Not if they’re serious about what they do.

I know some of you are thinking, well now that Elijah and Veronica are managing this they won’t be writing on here as much anymore!  Quite the opposite.  We are both home and excited to finally have the time to reach out and enjoy the company of all your crazy critters in the blogosphere.  I hope you’re ready because shit’s about to get hectic!



6 thoughts on “WordBoo.com Is Here: Affordable Web 2.0 Content Services”

  1. Holy cow boy, what business AREN’T you taking over? This is awesome though, and perfect for me to promote on my hire a freelance writer site. Just hope it doesn’t scare clients away from the writers I feature. 😀
    .-= WordVixen´s last blog ..Editor Funny of The Day =-.

  2. @WV – I know, i know.. everyone keeps telling me to slow down, but the way I’m thinking is every start up that makes some kind of income is a property with acquisition value – when push comes to shove we could sell all of these “services” off to larger companies in the same niche markets and walk away with g’s in the bank – then do it all over again in different markets. 😉

    A feature would be awesome – and much appreciated!

    @Jake – Use whatever you want dude, I don’t even know which graphic you’re talking about lol.

  3. “when push comes to shove we could sell all of these “services” off to larger companies”

    Oh yeah! You officially have “flipper mentality”! YES! Another one converted! Welcome to the dark side!

    In another 3-6 months, I look forward to seeing a post about how you STARTED a “service” with the INTENTION to sell later! What? Oh, it’s coming…believe it…there’s no turning back now, man! bwahahahahahaha!

    The Site Flipping Vampire Converts All Who Are Willing (…and some who are not)

  4. @SuiteJ – You already know in 10 years I’m going to have to check myself into a rehab/detox client for de-flipping procedures. I have serious problems thinking any other way! I actually can’t. There’s something extremely attractive about finding a niche, putting the blood sweat and tears into a great site/product, and then making a killing on the marketplace several months later. And then it’s rinse and repeat.

    Love it.

    I guess you are kind of like a vampire – definitely got the fangs to back it up!
    .-= Elijah´s last blog ..WordBoo.com Is Officially Open For Business! =-.

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