President Of The Blogosphere: Vote Now

Let’s get one thing clear right off the bat:  I’m fully aware that in the next few hours there will be a new President of the United States of America, and being a Canadian through and through combined with my near zero interest (tolerance) for politricks makes this event fairly low on my list of “things to think about today”.  Unfortunately, there is more coverage on Canadian cable television of the American election than there was of the Canadian election a few weeks back (bet you didn’t even know there was one), so I’ve been unwillingly subjected to an onslaught of Anderson Cooper and his flawless hairdo.

Nevertheless, I began to think about blogging and asked myself “what if there was a president of the blogosphere that represented bloggers world wide”?  That questions spawned this post, and I’m sure you’re now seeing where I’m going with this.

If you had a chance to vote in your favorite, most influential pro blogger of this current day and age, who would it be?  I don’t want to say guru because we’re specifically talking about people who make a living as professional bloggers, or Internet marketers who’ve made such an impact that they’ve crossed over to the blogosphere to share their learning’s and expertise.  I’m not expecting a novel, but if you guys would be so kind to give me your vote for who you think would represent the blogosphere the truest, and why you believe so – I’m really curious to see if there are any identifiable trends.

Shoemoney, John Chow, Yaro Starak, Darren Rowse, Ian Fernando, whoever – Put in your vote!

P.S. If I was an American Citizen (I have my residency) I would vote for Obama without blinking.



27 thoughts on “President Of The Blogosphere: Vote Now”

  1. Strangely (I may get shot for admitting this) I don’t actually read any of the ‘big blogs’ out there, albeit I’m sure I should. I normally find myself reading the smaller kept blogs, which usually contain little nuggets of gold – so sadly I wouldnt know who to vote for unless a ‘candidate list’ was presented for me, lol!

    Oh, and I live in the UK, and the US elections are (rather, were, now that obama is in) also getting much more hype and coverage than our own over here, so don’t worry 😉 lol

    Dans last blog post..A Day In The Life Of…

  2. Good post to get ideas swimming in my head!!

    I truly don’t think I would vote for anyone to be POW (Prez of the Web)… simply because I don’t think the needs of a very diverse and large group of people, can be represented by one. The internet is a free place right now and you can pretty much say or do anything you want, within the limits of your hosting provider.

    Part of the draw of the web is that its so “Lawless”… and free speech rules!!

    If anything, I would rather more search engines come along that bring Google back to earth, and knock them off their almighty pedestal.


    Mark – The Niche Store Builders last blog post..Days 15-16 – Write Content for your Readers – Not Your Wallet!

  3. I am not a huge fan of a lot of the Internet marketers, however, there is one guy who stands out for me.

    Guy Kawasaki. I would vote for him. He started Alltop and it has been a huge success. While he may not be the best at spreading his marketing knowledge to others, he demonstrably leads in picking out the top sites across almost every category on the World Wide Web.

    He uses social media well, especially Twitter. He’s personable. Most of all, he doesn’t come across as a money-hungry guy. Some of the others let the marketing and advertising hog too much of the limelight. Guy strikes a balance by keeping himself in the limelight while advertising his product, Alltop.

    Ians last blog post..Get Indexed

  4. I would have to say that John Chow is the truest blogger. While I haven’t gone through his earlier posts I supposedly have heard that he has some good make money online tips on there. But he has evolved his blog into a lifestyle which allows him to post just about anything and people will read it.

    We all know how much he posts about what he has for lunch which is quite often. He has made a name for himself, he has a following and he makes a shitload of money doing what he does. Which I think classifies him as the best blogger out there.

    Now, do I think that he should represent the whole blogosphere? No. I would have to give that to Darren.

    Darren provides superior tips and tricks about blogging and he actually teaches you how to become a better blogger. I think he is a little bit more attached to the whole blogging world then John. John seems to lean more towards technology and such when it comes to blogging while Darren has always provided information about blogging, how to be a better blogger, how to get more traffic, how to write compelling posts and so on.

    Jarrets last blog post..Hiding A Page Or Post Link In WordPress

  5. So hilarious that you wrote this- we were joking about it on plurk last night.

    I’d vote for Garry Conn. I’ve heard his platform and like his ideas on $5.00 click rates for AdSense, Google serp favorites, and free ice cream for bloggers.

    This message paid for by BrilliantJeni.

    BrilliantJENIs last blog post..Underdogblog Charity Challenge

  6. @ Dan – To be honest I don’t read (regularly) any of the “big” blogs either! This was one of the reasons why I was really interested in seeing who is inspired by who in regards to blogging, and why they would vote them in hypothetically.

    @ TheMoneyac – I was totally thinking about making this an actual thing, and contacting all the big shot money makers to somehow put up a prize or something… Though I’m not a regular reader of Yaro’s blog, I’m a HUGE fan of his Blog Profits Blueprint, and it actually played a strong role in the early success of this blog. I followed that thing to a tee!

    @ Ian – This is exactly why I posted this, I wanted to get response from you guys and be introduced to influential people that I’ve never heard of – and Guy Kawasaki is one of them. I’m definitely going to check him out!

    @ Jarret – I’ll vote in John Chow because he lives in Canada! He does have a great story though, and I really like his style of writing. I’ll agree that Darren has some awesome content and tips – and I’ve followed a few myself over the months. Still I don’t read his blog on a daily (more like monthly) so I’m not sure If I would vote him for President of the Blogsphere.

    @ Jeni – How great minds think alike! I knew if you caught this post you would say Gary Conn – he’s yo man! And who on this forsaken planet doesn’t like ice cream, and FREE ice cream for that matter?!?

    Elijahs last blog post..Blog Report For October 2008

  7. Dude, I already asked John Chow to please forge his birth certificate so I could vote for him.

    I’m with Jarret though. John Chow is the quintessential blogger (ooh, big word!), but I think Darren Rowse has the management skills he’d need to run this motley crue… um, crew.

    And speaking of elections? Click the link in the commentluv box, and then look at the post just previous to this one. The one marked “Who I’m Voting For, And Why”. BrilliantJeni pimped it on Plurk, so you know it’s good. 😉

    WordVixens last blog post..History Has Been Made, Pass The Butter

  8. @ Dennis – This seems to be the general view, and it actually warms my heart that more and more aspiring ninjas are actually turning to peers on their level for motivation rather than the big time cats that don’t ever really connect on a personal level whether it be email or the phone.

    @ WordVixen – Quintessential is such a great word, I have a friend who uses it at least 13 times per day (he’s very cool apparently). Jeni is a plurk pimp.. indeed. I’ll take a peak for sure!

    Elijahs last blog post..Blog Report For October 2008

  9. E, I am voting for you. I am tired of the establishment and want a President of the people. That is you in the Blogosphere!

    Put you a badge on your site that yes “Yes We Can” I am the President of the Blogosphere!

    Freddies last blog post..25 Blogger Motivations

  10. Some interesting comments on a good post, Elijah.

    I too don’t read many of the a list blogs, shoemoney being the exception (and I read that out of habit more than anything else).

    I would cast a vote for the underdog here, the rising star and the biggest head in the blogosphere – the one, the only…SuiteJ. Reasons being that he not only offers a breath of fresh air regards new ideas, he also has some brilliant internet marketing tricks up his sleeve and, although he makes his living full time on the net, Jay ALWAYS has time for everyone. I cannot tell you how helpful he is to a number of bloggers out there!

    Being British I have to support the underdog, so that’s one vote for the little guy (with the big head)!

    Nota Bene Consultings last blog post..Monetizing Your Blog

  11. @NotaBene: What???? I appreciate the kind words, sir,! Thank you for the vote of confidence! lol

    I love helping people out with anything I can. In my opinion, it’s part of “living right”. On top of that, most of the bloggers that I help out are usually extremely appreciative and also willing to help me when I need it, so it’s all a big family affair! Plus, it just feels good! Everyone should try it!

    LOL@ llittle guy with the big head.

    I already commented with a link to who I’d vote for, but it’s in moderation.


    SuiteJs last blog post..Motivation For Success With Freddie Taylor: Get Your Mind Right

  12. @WordVixen – Please consider this personal opinion, although I’m sure some would agree…JC is not the quintessential blogger, not for a long time.

    He is the quintessential money make – big difference in my eyes.

    @Elijah – Reason? Big time cats (for the most part) don’t put out info as useful as us smaller learners.

    Dennis Edells last blog post..100 RSS Subscribers – It’s Happy Dance Time!

  13. @Freddie – Awesome! I would have to decline the position though, and I can barely get my zipper down in time to drain the snake, I don’t know if I could run the entire blogosphere! “Yes We Can – Assholes”

    @Neal – Did you notice that I didn’t put who I’d vote for in the post? SuiteJ is the future, in all seriousness, that guy has really molded me (if that’s possible through Skype/phone) over the last few months – and he’s never too far out of reach for help and support. I VOTE JAY. Period. lol@little guy with Big Head!

    @SuiteJ – Jesus, your quick man! Haha.. I know the look you were going for with the contrasting two-tone Obama shirts and stuff. I actually really like that style. On the real, you already know what it is. I don’t think it would take more than 1 conversation for anyone to realize that you are the embodiment of service in the blogosphere – and that’s a great quality to have as a world leader!

    @Dennis – Not sure which comment you’re referring to, but if it’s the one I think it is, read it again. I don’t read big blogs.

  14. @Mark – That’s a really good point man. If anything the Internet has more diverse needs than our own planet does if you really think about it. It is time for Google to take a rest from the constant monopoly of the net. They control everything important, and I can’t stand it.

    @Everyone***Sorry if your comments haven’t been getting posted, Askimet has been blockinb regular readers for some reason, and letting through crap. I’ve gotta look into it – so if you’ve commented and don’t see it, just send me an email through the contact for and let me know! Cheers.

  15. @Dennis – it’s so hard to decipher sarcasm on the interweb… dammit! and I love sarcasm! this just means that we need to chill in person.

    @ Hannah Solo – I checked out your blog, and it’s very pro vagina – and rightfully so. I like vagina and women too. If the world and blogosphere was mediated by women the general population would be more in touch with their emotions, and look to feeling – rather than logic – to make decisions.

    men are very logical and this is not always a good thing – so if there’s a presidential blogger elect with a vagina, rather than a penis, she would be an awesome candidate for sure!

    Elijahs last blog post..President Of The Blogosphere: Vote Now

  16. I’m voting for E as well! Fight the Power! I know his administration would be off the chain! Blogging would become a huge part of the economy, off-shore blogging would be encouraged…..and national wordpress day would result in free food for everyone!

    Jay could be vice pres!

    I’m voting….just gimme a desk in the administration office and i”m good!

    Jeni for Secretary of Adsense!

    Normal Joes last blog post..Transform Your Thinking-If You Had THIS You’d Be Successful

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