Karma, Good Deeds and Free Superfruit Juice

monavie-acai-berry-juiceYes yes y’all… Just wanted to touch base real quick and share a moment of karma and good-deed-doing with you.  If you can recall, back in December of 2008 I was looking at some domains and stumbled upon TheStressFactor.com, only to realize that the same guy owned all of the other TLD’s.  Well being the good chap that I am, I decided to contact him and let him know it was available rather than buy it and extort him for a nice profit.

This good deed landed me a great connection, as well as a butt-load of free PLR from one of his sites!

Anyways, last week I received an email from a previous Sitepoint contact who acquired one of my niche websites, PinkRibbonWomen.com, from a previous buyer.  He contacted me with regards to helping him get a few things sorted out and set up on the site – which I eagerly offered to help him with.

Once finished, he notified me that he is a distributer of MonaVie Acai Berry products and offered to send me a bottle as a token of his awesomeness and appreciation – which I eagerly accepted being the health product junkie that I am.  I promised him that once I received his gift I would blog about it to my awesome friends and partners to show him some bloggerhood love.  He sent me a 750 ml bottle of MonaVie Acai Berry premium blend – which is not cheap!


So that’s that.  Another story of karma and doing good things online.  I want to give a big shout out to Marc – my future MonaVie juice distributor – for his good form (as Captain Hook would say).

You never know who you’re going to meet online, but one thing I do know for sure is that the Internet population is much more kind when compared to the real world.



9 thoughts on “Karma, Good Deeds and Free Superfruit Juice”

  1. LOL. I can’t just sit back and not comment on the Hook reference. Good form … After all, what would the world be like without captain Hook!

  2. It definitely feels good to relate to people online as just that, real people. Being relational is cool.

    BTW, It’s pippy and champ’s birthday today! 4 years old, which makes then 35 in human terms. My children are older than me!? AHHH!
    .-= Pippy and Champ´s last blog ..Give us a leg up! =-.

  3. Elijah-Thanks for love mate! If your ever in a mood to visit Salt Lake City I can hook you up with a place to stay and fun times!!!!!

  4. Okay, that bottle looks pretty damn epic, lol! I’m a firm believer in karma (well, the loose version of it – I’m not religious) and this is a perfect example of it!

    Dammit, now I want to go buy one of those bottles, lol!
    .-= Dan´s last blog ..My Plans for Domimation =-.

  5. You’ve got to drop by next time you’re in Steel Town.. I’ve got a couple bottles of that “juice” for you. I’m friends with the top distributor in Ontario. (not trying to steal your thunder Marc)

    I do agree the packaging for MonaVie is impressive… their promotional material as well.
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..Festival of Friends 2009. =-.

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