Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime Cover

In The Summertime, Cover Songs & Dirty Laundry


Summertime came and went in 14 seconds flat – ZOOOOM – gone.

Kind of like every job I’ve ever had.

Now I work (happily) for a company who’s name sounds like a porn start up.

Life is good 🙂

So, I’ve got a few things to rant about from the adventures of Elijah…

In The Summertime

Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime Cover

Remember Mungo-friggin-Gerry?

I may have recorded a cover song of In The Summertime and rumor has it, it might be releasing this week on Halycon Records.

Am I nervous? Heck yes.

This is the first track I’ve ever released officially as a solo artist (not using an alias or recording with a band).

I’m 31 in 3 weeks – took a while, eh?

Anyways, here’s the link for Halycon Records’ fan page. Click like and get notified when it releases.

Hit play and enjoy!

Cover Songs

Ace of Base

This cover song isn’t the first. Back in December my band and I did a cover of Ace of Base – All That She Wants.

We played it at the legendary el Mocambo for a fundraiser I did.

We also gave away a gun as the grand prize.

It was cool.

Dirty Laundry


So Veronica and I are married, and we’ve been thinking about buying a business in the future (not online).

I love getting paid to sit down, but I also realize the benefits of moving around and stuff.

We started thinking about things that suck and how we could make them better.

Laundry sucks.

How can we make laundry better?

And the answer is to make going to a laundromat kick ass.

Laundromats are always sketchy, no wi-fi and crappy magazines to pass time.

What if laundromats were awesome?

See where I’m going?


What do you think of my typing style today?

Short bursts of thought versus structured run on sentences that use commas, hyphens and colons to set the pace.

I just asked you 4 questions in the last 20 seconds, are you ready to answer?

