Back on the Ball

It has now been 4 official days of internet service with no interruptions or crashes.  This is monumental!  It seems that that box of connections at the back of our building was in complete dis-repair; with no cover or protection.  There may even have been a family birds living, what seems like, on our line.  It would definitely explain the random signal dropping.  My condolences go out to the family that we displaced, but there are plenty of actual trees in this neighbourhood.  To think that all this time we’ve been calling customer service, all someone needed to do was physically walk to the back of  our building.  Sometimes I cannot believe that it took 2 months for major internet providers to provide us with the connection we need, especially since we live in the heart of a metropolitan city.  We unfortunately took this service for granted.  Non the less, it feels so good to know that we’re back on track.  I feel like I barely got a taste of working from home and everything went in the shitter.

In hindsight, it may have been a good thing.  Sometimes the only way to look at these experiences is as positively as possible.  We have DEFINITELY learned some important lessons and are better for it now.  But in that time, I can’t even begin to describe the frustration we were feeling.  It makes me think back to the post I wrote about Copreneurs and how this was one of those times that could make or break us.  Thankfully, we kept our heads on and dealt with it, with minimal tension.

It’s such a different type of stress.  At a workplace, the conflict would have been a big mess during the day, but eventually you go home and forget about it for the night, until you have to go back in the morning.  But for all of you that work from home and run your own business, you understand the black pit in the stomach and never ending swimming in your head.  The stress in 24/7 and there’s nothing you can do but move forward.  This is all still so new to me, and I’m not going to lie, we talked about me going out and getting another job.

I’m still holding out.

Things are back on the way up.  Elijah’s got tons of work coming in and I’ve even got some design jobs rolling my way.  It’s funny how life sometimes make things suck as much as possible and then flips it instantaneously, in my opinion to make us appreciate what we have in our lives.  If anything, this past downturn is just the “rock-bottom” chapter in our success story.  Look for it on shelves at your favourite bookstore in 2015.

The other silver lining, albeit small, is that I’ve uncovered my love for crafts!  It may sound lame to some people, but I bet those people wouldn’t be saying so if they were curled up in a hand knitted blanket of awesomeness!

mug cozie

Here’s my latest project.

I’m definitely not a pro, but these are what my family and friends can expect for Christmas.  Not only is it going to save us money, but it has kept me sane during these past few months.

Now that Elijah and I are slowly starting to get back into the routine, I look forward to sharing more of my musings with you.  We have a ton of projects on the go, and I can’t wait to share them.  Keep you’re eyes peeled, ’cause we’re back and with a whole lot of wind in our sails!

Stay classy,


7 thoughts on “Back on the Ball”

  1. Hey, Veronica.

    Please do keep sharing these thoughts with us. I for one am addicted to seeing your trials and tribulations. We still need to catch up to discuss a project or two that I want to throw your way, though I had some news recently that knocked me sideways, I will catch up with you shortly.

    Good to hear you have a whole lot of wind in the sails, I guess it is time to dig deep and push forward towards a successful christmas period! Yeah, I said the C word.

    Speak soon.

    .-= Nota Bene Consulting´s last blog ..Canonical Url Protocol =-.

  2. Yayyy Veronica,

    Glad to see that things are looking up and that work is rolling your way. If you could both keep your heads when everything was going to hell in a handbasket then it will all be smooth sailing when things are going well 🙂

    Love the mug cosies, especially the little brown button, cool – least you have that difficult Christmas shopping list sorted.

    Here’s to continuing success, Ali
    .-= Alison Wood´s last blog ..Premium WordPress Themes Review =-.

  3. @NB – Yup. Christmas is fast approaching, I can’t believe how fast time flies. I’m sorry for your bad news, but I’m here whenever you’re ready to throw those projects over.

    @Allison – My thoughts exactly, if we can deal with this we can surely deal with anything. The mug cosies are my first official project after teaching myself to knit. It will be interesting to see them after making 20! 🙂 Thanks for the support!

  4. Omg, V, I LOVE your mug cozy! How cute! If you ever have downtime after you’re all caught up on the other business stuff, you might want to make a few extra and put them up on Etsy.

    I love to knit too, but I suck at it. Can’t manage more than scarves. *lol* Haven’t figured out how to do a full blanket without buying 15 needles and those tip covers to keep the loops on the needles.
    .-= WordVixen´s last blog ..A Bit Random =-.

  5. lmao. I read this post through my email and didn’t even realize who wrote it untill the very end. The whole time I’m waiting for a MetallicA reference and wondering why Eli is making sweaters for mugs (possibly while drunk and if I was there) LOL.
    Too funny. glad to see the interweb shananigins are over, as I’m sure my nieghboors are, because there has been a considerable drop in the 5am accoustic guitar jams on my balcony.
    Get off My lawn.

  6. @WV – Thanks for the compliment, but I’m still a beginner. I can’t read pattern or anything. Maybe one day I can work my way up to Etsy! 🙂

    @Al – So Eli making “mug sweaters” is weirder than him referring to himself in the third person? And don’t laugh, cause guess what your Christmas present is going to be! lol. I’m willing to bet that there will still be drunken jam sessions, are you new?

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