Friday Night Smack Talk – Special Guest

Damn.  I just spent an hour trying to get a friggin video site that works.  I don’t know if it was my area and the bandwidth was just flooded, but I couldn’t get anything working.  Finally came through after the 18th time attempting to upload.  I wanted to do a little video update for you guys since it’s been a while and there have been some new faces showing up on the comments.  Mad link love, mad updates with the blogosphere and all the craziness that’s been going on – I also have a special guest at the end, someone who I know all you guys have been wanting to see!  Is it Veronica?  No, she fell asleep on the couch as I was recording this.  Maybe I’ll film myself putting backing powder in her hair and post that up tomorrow.. I guess you’ll have to wait and see.  Have a great weekend everyone!



25 Things About Elijah That You Might Not Know

During my weekly webinars with Roy Montero and the iWomen gang, we’ve been discussing ways to utilize a “things you don’t know about me” page to get more personal with your readers, subscribers and people on your list.  I’ve also been following the video skills of my friend Joe – and how he woos his audience with style and grace every single day using the power of video (much thanks on hooking me up with the mogul ninja stance).

Taking all of this into consideration, I’ve realized that even though I have done some video for this site – I haven’t really been myself.  I’m now feeling an urge to let loose and show you guys who I really am in hopes that it will improve our relationship, and give you more of an insight into the mind of Elijah, and what I’m all about.  The video is about 15 minutes long – but I promise if you watch the entire thing you won’t be disappointed.

I’d love to know a couple things about you guys – feel free to share anything you’d like.



The Groundhog Day Theory

bill-murray-groundhog-dayIf you’re a late twenty-something like Elijah and I, then chances are you remember a movie from the early 90’s called Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, in which Bill Murray’s character relives February 2nd day after day.  It’s a hysterical movie, until you start living it.

I have always dreaded working full time.  Ever since my very first job at a movie theater when I was fifteen, I remember working the entire march break and looking forward to going back to classes – pretty twisted huh?  It’s been like that with every job I’ve had since.  My theory is that with most full time work, everyday begins repeating itself at some point and in my day to day, it’s unbearable and sometimes uncanny how repetitive my work is – this was the primary reason I went back to school in the first place.

I took a year off after high school to “find” myself, and what I found was the wonderful world of low end retail and realized I had to get myself an education – so that’s what I did.  To the chagrin of my parents,  who wanted me to do something more practical, I chose to pursue a degree in Interior Design.   The decision was easy because it’s something I’m passionate about, good at and I thought it would prevent employment  monotony to be doing something I love.  This unfortunately is not the case.  I am working now for a reputable, Swedish home furnishings giant, and although I love the people I work with, I cannot shake that ugly Groundhog hovering over my shoulder.  It’s even gotten to the point where I’m seeing the same people in the morning on my walk to the subway.  There’s shuffle man, who shuffles his way to the park along with his golden retriever.  The skinny jogger, who is doing the same stretches before his morning jog, and the little man on the train who wears shoes that are too big for him and eats his breakfast of fruits out of a Tupperware container with a toothpick.  Either I have a problem or there’s a pattern here, or maybe both.  This isn’t even touching on my day to day responsibilities at work.  If there’s one very important thing I’ve learned from my job, it’s that human nature is unbelievably predictable.  Although change and renewal are boasted, there’s not much diversity in my position.  Everyday just repeats itself.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not to say that working full time is bad, it’s just not my thing and I think a lot of people feel the same way I do.  I went into the design field because I wanted variety and creativity and I’m starting to discover  that I won’t get that unless I do it on my own.  The most obvious con being the lack of health care coverage as an entrepreneur, but I’m willing to take that risk in return for mental sanity.  If I were to work for myself as hard as I do for someone else, I could accomplish so much more and reap the benefits directly.  The main objective of course being to keep myself fresh and wanting to do my work.  Picking when and where I work (coffee shop, the park or in the car before you get to the cottage), what my work consists of and what my next project will be.

The movie itself is great, but the messages that can be found are even better:

  • Educate yourself on a daily basis
  • Discover what excites you and embrace it
  • Don’t wait until you tire and eventually dread your existence – do something about it now
  • Don’t eat Groundhogs 🙂
  • Just because no one else is aware of the repetition it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening
  • Tomorrow is another day, try something different

This is my theory and I’m sticking to it.  My days of waking up to the alarm clock playing “I got you babe”  are soon to be over.

Stay classy,


What Am I Getting Myself Into?

It was approximately January when Elijah first came to me with all this internet jibberish.  I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.  He was so excited and so passionate about everything he had just discovered, it was hard not to be affected by it – even though I couldn’t for the life of me wrap my head around everything he was trying to explain to me.

He spent as much time as he could (often in lieu of sleep) reading and researching and trying to get in contact with anyone that could help.  I could tell he was getting really frustrated at some points.  It’s such a huge undertaking and learning curve and I still have no idea how he processed so much information.   I was a little nervous, to say the least.  He was throwing so much at me constantly and incessantly, I didn’t know what to think . . . Although I knew Wordtracker was an amazing discovery.

Very important: if you don’t understand or something’s not making sense, just ask!

The thing is though, now that I know what is attainable the possibilities are endless.  Internet marketing and having an online business is such an awesome way not only to make money, but also to meet people, network, and fulfill your goals.  We’re not out to make millions of dollars and be internet moguls, but my goal personally is to be able to compensate my current salary at my day job, so that I can free up my time and focus on the things that I’m really passionate about.

If there is one aspect that makes me excited about these new horizons it is the possibility of travel, whenever and wherever I want.  I look forward to having the freedom and mobility to see the world, and enjoy my life now while I can.  Our biggest stress would be having to leave our cat, Shandy, behind for extended periods of time, and  If it were up to me I would hide her in my pocket.

But that’s a another story. 🙂

I guess what I’m trying to say is that this journey so far has been one of biggest risks I’ve taken thus far in my life, and I’m not worried.  That’s not to say I’m not a little stressed because there’s still bills to pay and mouths to feed, but I know this is just the beginning of all the great things to come.