Blog Report For September 2008

Blog Report For September 2008Another month, another stats report to add to the blogosphere!  September was a weird month from several different stand points for – weird not being a bad thing, as growing up my mother always told me weird was good.  The first thing that really caught me off guard was that the original 25 subscribers from our August blog report decided to stick around for another month despite my several attempts to be as inappropriate as humanly possible.  Secondly, I’m still trying to grip the fact that I built and sold my first website in September.

Website flipping is talked about quite frequently on the Internet, and when I decided I needed to stop being afraid and start making money I had no idea that selling a website would be how that money was made – but it was!  Lastly, in September I realized after hours and hours of sleepless nights that more work doesn’t always mean better work.  When I heard my man Joe say that he’s thinking about taking weekends off and only posting on his site Monday through Friday, it was on!  What a great idea…

September was also a big month for Veronica in the sense that she finally admitted to the fact that I’m not loosing my mind, and I actually know a thing or two about making money online.  She has also taken on learning about blogging and WordPress into her own hands and came home one day with a “Blogging For Dummies” book!  I’m not going to lie and say that I wasn’t turned on slightly – because I was.

Stats & Screenshots

Once again, I’m not going to report how much money I made online because this blog is about our adventure trying to quit our jobs, not our wallets.  I will let you guys know that I did have a record month with Adsense and made almost $12, with contributing $4.44 to that total!  Time to get me a movie ticket.

As I’m typing out this blog report, and infomercial popped on the television titled “Internet Shortcut Millions” with two busty young ladies talking about how if you can send an email you can make millions on the Internet using Jeff Paul’s 3-click system.  I really wish you guys could see this… I’ve written down the number and plan to call and start asking the representatives about click through ratio and bounce rate – who the hell is Jeff Paul?  lol.

Blog Report For September 2008

As you can see in the screenshot above, there was a sexy increase in unique visitors to our blog in September.  According to AWStats we had 2175 unique visitors with 16, 049 page views and an average of 3.49 pages per visit.  That’s 805 more unique visitors than August!!!  Sweet victory…  The downside is that the page views and pages per visit had a slight decrease – but that could mean several things, and having a more established regular flow of readers probably contributed to that decline.

Blog Report For September 2008

This is really blowing my mind right now – the above screenshot shows an average of 153.23 visits per day, with the most traffic on September 16th which brought in 519 visits! Who the heck are you people, and where do you come from?  I know one of my strengths regarding website development is traffic generation, but 3 months ago I couldn’t even tell you what technorati does (I’m still not 100% sure, lol).  Blogging rules, and that’s the end of that!

Blog Report For September 2008

Here is my favorite number, and what ties everything together in the blogosphere – Our subscribers! We haven’t held a single contest, or posted anything insanely ground-breaking or controversial, and yet we’ve somehow increased our subscribers from 25 at the end of August to 67 at the end of September!  I really don’t know what to say except thank you.  I can only imagine what the response would be once Veronica has the time to get her crazy, beautiful, insanely smart ass up on here more often to mix it up with you guys and gals – I can’t wait!

Elijah, how did you get these numbers in 2 months?

  • I stopped caring about what the Guru’s are doing
  • I stopped reading and commenting on blogs where the favor is not returned
  • I stopped reading 37 ebooks a month
  • I stopped worrying about what to write
  • I started swearing in my blog posts
  • I started leaving demented comments on all of your blogs
  • I started linking to anybody or anything that I thought was cool
  • I won a Rastafarian plush doll at a carnival and made a dance video with it
  • I started sending questionable emails to Alan LeStourgeon, Paul Piotrowski and Mark Hansen regarding brown paper bags and dog poo
  • The most important factor that contributed to the quick success of this blog is that I stopped being afraid and started kicking ass.  I stopped thinking about how I’m going to accomplish things and started to take action based on what I already know, and what I’m good at

We love you guys and can’t wait to have dinner with each and every one of you sometime within the next 25 years.  I’m sure we will see some of you sooner, but that’s besides the point.  I strongly believe that there’s a new wave of uber-talented, top-bloggers that are about to take over and kick some of these gassy Guru’s off their comfortable ladders.  I can take a look at my blogroll and say, with confidence, that you’re all going to be big in your own way and we will all be around 12 months from now – whether it’s launching products together, or building a selling businesses online together.  The future is being molded as we speak, and Veronica and I feel privileged to have the chance to be a part of this.



Monthly Goals For August 2008

Monthly Goals for August 2008When we started this blog in mid July we knew it wouldn’t be easy. There are so many people out there selling products and systems that will teach you how to make money blogging – and all you have to do is press a magic button and watch the cash pour in while you sleep! It couldn’t be farther from the truth.  It has never been easier to make money from home whether it’s via affiliate marketing, consulting, or creating and selling websites due to the current state of technology – combined with persistence, the ability to adapt, and HARD WORK – not because of some secret system.  Without goals to strive towards you can say goodbye to your dreams of working while sipping espresso at a cafe in Italy, or checking your email from a Mayan jungle resort.  As young adults, or adults in general, it’s crucial that we have ambition and a constant motion forward to promote personal growth and accomplishment.  Having both long and short term goals will increase your odds of staying on course, which in turn will maximize your success rate and enable you to fulfill your dreams.

Here are my monthly goals for August 2008:

  1. 1-3 Posts per day Monday through Friday – The more frequent a new site is updated with fresh content, the more often Google and the rest of the search engines will stop by and visit us which will lead to an increase in organic search engine traffic and indexing.
  2. Begin to increase online presence via social networking and social bookmarking sites.  Social networking can bring loads of targeted traffic to a blog and increase the participaction and subscribers.  I will be focusing on 6 main sites: StumbleUpon, Digg, Myspace, YouTube, Friend Feed, and Twitter.
  3. Commenting on niche related blogs is also a great way to increase your online presence and establish yourself as a trustworthy resource.  I am currently a top commentator on 3 high traffic blogs and would like to increase the number of blogs I frequent to 10.  If I can write solid, helpful comments on 10 blogs per day for the next 30 days I will definitely start to see more activity here in a very short amount of time.  I loves me some free traffic!
  4. Write at least 3-5 keyword rich articles and submit them to all the major high traffic article directories like and  By using Wordtracker to conduct my keyword research and putting those low competition, high search volume key phrases in the article headings I will not only get indexed into the search engines, but I will also have an external guage on what topics are hot based on the performance of each article.  Tip: high traffic article directories usually rank very high in the search engines, so writing some good articles could get you top spot for niche related keywords and phrases.
  5. Continue to expand and diversify my WordPress skills.  This is my first self-hosted blog using WordPress through my Hostgator hosting account.  I currently run between 10-15 sites – some of them only partially optimized for the occasional affiliate sale or adsense click – the others are just sitting on a domain waiting for some TLC from myself or Veronica.  I have found WordPress to be the ultimate management system for setting up, optimizing, and maintaining a blog or niche website.  The amount of power behind it is incomparable and having the ease of 1 click set up through Fantastico on my Hostgator account makes it that much more efficient.  I will be spending a significant amount of time brushing up on HTML, CSS, and hopefully getting a custom header done.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that my goals for August are strongly focused on building content, and generating traffic. When I first started getting into SEO and keyword research I got so excited that I started building blogs, putting up 5-10 posts, and then promoting the hell out of them.  The problem with this mindset is if you only have 10 posts on your blog your traffic will come, browse, and move on.  If you’re just getting into blogging like my friend T. Edwards over at make sure you have a minimum 20-30 posts before you start to heavily promote and get backlinks – because if you so happen to make the front page of StumbleUpon you better have some content to keep your visitors interested!  Nobody wants to stop by a blog with 1 good article and 5 pieces of crap.

Maybe Veronica will read this and compile a list of goals of her own, we’ll just have to wait and see.  What are some goals you guys have for this month?

