9 Ways To Pimp Private Label Rights Products

Private Label Rights PimpingI know you love the title – and you can thank me for the smile later.  I’ve recently made connects with a super-innovative blogger over at ImWithJoe.com, and while reading through his posts I stumbled upon a great video he did describing private label rights and resale rights with some unique, but effective examples.  You can check out his post and video here.  While we’re on the topic, I want to introduce the newer bloggers and affiliates to private label rights products and how you can use them for article marketing, e-courses and various other content driven applications within your online ventures.

What Are Private Label Rights?

To put it plainly, PLR or Private Label Rights products are nothing more than e-books, articles and reports that you can purchase, manipulate, brand and use as your own.  There are individuals who make a decent living authoring e-books and reports for licensing to other webmasters and Internet marketers – as well as licensing the right to sell those exact same rights to someone else, which is known as Master Resale Rights.  I know it might sound confusing, so let me give you the definition of Private Label Rights and Master Resale Rights from our good friends at InternetMarketingDefinitions.com:

Private Label Rights – Content, particularly articles, written by a 3rd party and made available for several purchasers to buy and use.  These articles can then be used as-is or edited as the purchaser desires – within the guidelines of the PLR company. Guidelines will differ with each company.

Master Resale Rights – If you have a product with “Master resale rights” this means you can resell the product and keep 100% of the profits. You cannot alter it in any way but it’s yours to sell as is.

How Can I Use PLR Products To Make Money Online?

  1. Create a report to attract new readers to your newsletter – You can compile a report using a single, or several rewritten Private Label Rights products and give it away to entice new readers to your websites newsletter.
  2. Use the PLR content to create a squeeze page to build your list – Rewrite portions of several related PLR products to generate a free report and content for a squeeze page in order to acquire email addresses and build your list.
  3. Create an autoresponder email course – Again, editing Private Label Rights products and using the content to provide a free “how-to” course which you will feed to the list you compiled from your squeeze page.  Are you starting to see how these methods are becoming intertwined?
  4. Create and sell an e-book – For this method I would suggest combining the rewritten PLR content with your own to strengthen your e-book, but to also ensure your e-book remains unique and up to date.  If you’re simply rewriting a PLR e-book you purchased and then selling it, think again, because your e-book will essentially be the same as the orginal regarding the content it contains – therefor providing little value.
  5. Rewrite the PLR content and submit it to article directories – This is a great way to get links and hopefully boost your page rank.  Edit PLR content and split it up into keyword focused articles that you will submit to high traffic article directories – putting your domain of choice (blog, niche site, or squeeze page) in the resource box to funnel that traffic and hopefully make some sales.  This method is one of my favorites.
  6. Use the content for niche marketing – Whether you have niche sites like Build A Niche Store or Squidoo lenses, PLR content is great for adding content to these type of affiliate sites.  Since most PLR products are niche focused anyways, this is a great way to get keyword focused traffic and start to earn revenue via mediums like Adsense and CPA affiliate offers.
  7. Use the content for your blog – Instead of doing 5 posts a week from scratch, do three posts and edit some PLR content for the other two.  As long as you remain focused on your particular niche, you will be providing your readers with great value.  Imagine spending a weekend editing an entire PLR product and breaking it up into a series of posts on your blog – this means more time generating affiliate income and forming joint venture projects.
  8. Apply keyword research to your PLR content – Editing your purchased content is one thing, but doing some keyword research using a tool like Wordtracker to find low competition/high demand key phrases will ensure you have prime positioning in Google’s search results – which means more organic traffic.
  9. Use PLR products to populate satellite blogs – If you’ve never heard the term satellite blogging, it’s basically having a ring of blogs all pointing back to your main blog, within various niches.  This is a great time to utilize the content within Private Label Rights products.  Edit the content and set a schedule for updating your outer blogs, which will keep Goolge happy, and in turn get those smaller blogs indexed quicker so they can start funneling traffic to your main site.

A Word Of Caution

While there are several high quality Private Label Rights portals and membership sites, make sure the content of the product is informative, and more importantly, up to date.  There are so many dated sales pages and membership sites floating around the inter-web that you want to make sure if you are purchasing the license to use someone elses content for your websites – that the content is up to date and current.  Another tip – it’s always good to use products that have a limited release, so you know the content you are using is only in the hands of a selected few.

Here are a few PLR sites you might want to consider:








Traffic Techniques: Article Marketing Part 3

Traffic Techniques: Article Marketing Part 3I’ve decided to opt out of doing a video for this installment to my Traffic Techniques Series for two reasons – I have a lot of content I would like to cover, and I want to focus on getting a SocialMarker tutorial up in the next few days.  I recently acquired Camtasia Studio 5 and need a day to get the functionality grooving.  As Flava Flav would say – Yeaaaaaaaa Boiiiii.  If you’re just tuning in and haven’t had a chance to go through the last two videos, you can view part one here, and part two here. Let’s get cracking…

Now that we know why article marketing works, and what the key factors are to writing an article that will perform, it’s time to touch on one of the most important elements to this technique – Article Distribution.  If you don’t know where to get your article published, or how to turn those clicks into subscribers, then it won’t matter how well you know your market or how much keyword research you do – your results will not be as spectacular as we know they can be.

How many different ways can I publish my articles online?

The first and most common way of publishing articles online would be to submit your articles to high traffic, high ranking article directories.  This has proven to be an effective medium time and time again, and a technique that many a bum marketer have exercised for two reasons – it costs nothing, and article directories get crawled often which means your submissions will get indexed very quickly.  I strongly believe that there are people who make a living simply writing how-to style articles and submitting them to high traffic directories, with an affiliate offer redirect in the resource/author box.

The key to making this technique work for you is you have to treat every directory as an individual medium and test accordingly.  Each directory will perform differently from the next because they attract different visitors – while one article may convert great on Directory A, it doesn’t mean it will perform well on Directory B or C.  This same rule applies to your resource/author box – you might get more clicks on Directory A when you have your “about me” blurb before the “call to action” section, whereas in Directory B it’s the complete opposite.  Making money online is all about testing, and article marketing is no different.

***Tip – Don’t be afraid to display your personality within the resource box.  Being funny and quirky has always worked well for me and I’ve surprised myself quite a few times when I’ve gone completely off the wall and thought “people aren’t going to take me seriously” and then the article ended up getting a pleasing amount of clicks to my offer.  Be fearless and unique and you’ll be rewarded.

I’m sure some of you are thinking “what do I put in the resource box?” or “how do I know if my call to action is good enough?”  It’s important to include information about yourself within the resource box because you want to be known as a professional or expert within your niche.  List any relevant credentials you may have as well as where you’re from and your professional status.  To put it simply, your call to action should do nothing more than tell the reader what to do next.  Below is an example of a resource box I might use:

“Elijah Vieau is an accomplished Music Producer and Composer from Toronto, Canada.  He is the founder of Basement Theory Productions, where he provides development and consulting services to independent recording artists across the globe.

Head on over to www.Virgostratus.com to hear a free sample of his latest groundbreaking album.

Also, quickly visit www.MrBlueReviews.com to download his free report “Music Marketing On Crack” that shows you how to market and sell albums online using the viral power of social networking.”

***Tip – When it comes to your call to action please try and avoid the “if you would like more information on this topic please feel free to visit www.yoursitehere.com” method.  This is article suicide.  It does not sound confident or convicting.  To me this type of call to action sounds like it belongs in a pamphlet giving information on the Ryan Phelps Foundation for Android Swimmers.

But Elijah, which article directories are the best to use?

I hate to say it, but “the best” is completely subjective.  All I can tell you is that there are 3-5 top directories which most successful internet marketers use because of their page rank and traffic, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t find success with a smaller more targeted article directory.  If you want to scope out this route just type into Goolge Your Niche+Article Directory and you will find results for smaller niche directories that you can add to your submission list.  Below I have listed my personal top 7 list of high traffic article directories that I currently use – in no particular order:

  1. www.EzineArticles.com
  2. www.GoArticles.com
  3. www.IdeaMarketers.com
  4. www.ArticleDashboard.com
  5. www.ArticleCity.com
  6. www.SearchWarp.com
  7. www.MagPortal.com

I also found a great resource listing the top 50 article directories by traffic/page rank here.  It was last updated on August 17th, 2008.

Originally I had planned to cover Article Distribution and Monetization Methods in one post, but it seems there was so much content that I will have to add a part 4 to my Traffic Techniques Series – so in my next post/video I will discuss the various ways you can monetize your traffic from the article directories to maximize your efforts and hopefully build your list and put some money in the good ‘ol Paypal account.



Traffic Techniques: Article Marketing Part 2

This is the second video in my Traffic Techniques series.  In this video I touch on my 5 key points to a successful article, and those points are as follows:

  1. Your article must address a problem or issue
  2. Do not sell within the content of your article
  3. Effective use of keywords and key phrases
  4. Using a “call to action” within your resource/author box
  5. Proper Grammar.  No spelling mistakes allowed.

I plan to delve into article distribution and monetary tactics within the next video, If you guys have any concerns or specific areas you have questions on – please let me know in the comments below.  There might possibly by a 4th part to my article marketing series, but ultimately that depends on the feedback and how much I can fit effectively into the next video.



Traffic Techniques: Article Marketing Part 1

Article marketing has always been one of my favorite ways to get free targeted traffic to a blog or affiliate website, and all though the majority of people who use this method have no idea what they are doing, it’s really not that complicated.

This video ended up being longer than I anticipated – as I started to rant and jabber – but I promise the next 2 videos will be more focused, and full of secrets and techniques that I’ve learned over the last 8 months of Internet marketing on a low budget.

Watch the video until the very end as I do hit some great tips, and I also have a special guest stop by for some final words – you won’t believe who I paid to come over and share his ultra money making secrets.  So get used to seeing my ugly mug because I am using these videos as an experiment with the effectiveness of video marketing as well as providing you guys with some great content at the same time.




10 Facts Internet Marketing Guru’s Won’t Tell You

10 facts internet marketing guru's won't tell youGotta love the Internet marketing Guru’s, right?  Us newbies look to them for tutorials, up-to-date industry happenings, and everything related to making money online – and we trust their words as much as they trust our wallets.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure we’ve all learned some valuable information from the John Chow’s and the Shoemoney’s of the blogosphere, but did you ever stop and think “Why the hell would they be telling me everything I need to know?  Wouldn’t that create more competition for themselves?

Call me paranoid, call me delusional, or tell me I smell of cheap scotch and aftershave – but don’t tell me the thought has never crossed your mind.

Throughout this absurd and exhausting quest for financial independence I’ve absorbed approximately 24 ebooks (I just counted), The Four Hour Work Week and a slew of special reports and make money email courses.  While a handful proved to be uber-resourceful – like Yaro Starak’s Blog Profits Blueprint or Ken Envoy’s Affiliate Masters course – the majority of them were bland and lacked innovation.

So what have I learned you ask?  Let me break it down and save all you guys starting out a shit-load of time – here are the 10 Facts Internet Marketing Guru’s Won’t Tell You:

  1. You will not make any money within the first 24 hours – I don’t care what auto list-building software you just bought, or how many ads you put up on Craigslist, If you’ve never made money online and have no experience you will NOT make money over night.  Plain and simple.
  2. Site builder programs are a single tool within your toolbox – While programs like Build A Niche Store and XSitePro 2 are great weapons to have in your affiliate arsenal, they are merely tools to be used in conjunction with the core elements such as keyword research, list building and search engine optimization.  If you ever run across a sales page claiming to have the one program you will ever need to make money online, it’s a lie – because there is no such thing!
  3. Affiliate networks will drop you if you under achieve – Surprised?  Don’t be.  Commission Junction dropped my butt about 2 weeks ago because I didn’t generate enough “revenue” to keep their advertisers satisfied – and rightfully so.  The last thing you want to do is sign up for every major affiliate network because you’ll spread yourself too thin, and if you’re just starting out that will do nothing except crowd your inbox and give you a false sense of urgency.  Start out with one or two networks, find your groove and duplicate.
  4. Clickbank is 90% garbage – There I said it.  While there are some great info products with killer landing pages provided, the majority of products sold on Clickbank are poorly developed and outdated.  I know we’re all told to go with the products that have a high gravity score, but I much prefer the “would I buy this” or the “do I like this landing page” approach.  Choose your products by putting yourself in your customers shoes, and if you like what you see there’s a good chance other people will too.
  5. You will loose money with PPC before you make anything – Now my experience with pay per click is limited, so take this point with a grain of salt, but I know at least 3 full-time Internet marketers who will back what I’m saying here.  PPC is competitive and requires deep keyword research, constant testing, and a significant investment to generate a substantial return.  I’ve heard some horror stories of people blowing their kids college fund on PPC with only a few hundred bucks to show for it.  Start off small, take your time and more importantly – go with your gut!
  6. Obscure keywords are useless – I’m not going to cover this in great detail, but after you’re done reading this post, and sharing your valid opinion 🙂 please stop by my friend Alan’s Affiliate Confession blog and read this post.  He covers this exact point perfectly and I couldn’t have put it better.
  7. An autoresponder is absolutely necessary – I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying “the money is in the list” and in many cases this is the absolute truth.  As aspiring Internet marketers, one of our ultimate goals should be to eventually launch our own course or product that will provide us with a long term reoccurring source of income.  The only way to do this properly is by building a list, and the key to successful list building is automation – this is where autoresponder services come in.  Regardless of what the Guru’s say, you need to be building lists from each and every blog or niche site you own, and though products like Aweber or GetResponse may seem pricey, they are absolutely necessary for residual success.
  8. You need HTML, CSS and basic graphics/photo editing skills – I fully understand with sites like eLance.com and ScriptLance.com we have the ability to outsource a lot of our grueling and time consuming tasks like building landing pages or creating custom opt-in forms, but the fact of reality is that most of us don’t have the know-how or finances to even go about doing this – especially when we’re first starting out.  I’m a firm believer in the “teach a man to fish” saying and share that same mentality when it comes to developing any craft.  Take some time to learn the basics of HTML, CSS and Adobe Photoshop and you will be in a much better position as the months go by (you will also have more skills and services that you could charge people for).
  9. Joint ventures bring in the big dollars – If you type in Mass Control Million into Google you will find over 5,000,000 results yapping about Frank Kern’s Mass Control launch and how it generated over 23.8 million dollars in 24 hours – pretty unbelievable right?  Frank is a genius and an innovator in this industry, but what he won’t tell you is that the only way he was able to generate that much income in such a short amount of time was primarily due to strong joint venture connections with HUGE lists of hungry affiliates.  It’s the only way any launch of that magnitude could exist.  Make your connections early on, go with your instinct and stick with individuals whom you connect with on a personal level.  If that person lands a JV opportunity with an industry player down the road, you are now in the pocket to reap those benefits and vice versa.  Individually we are vulnerable, but in numbers we are a force to be reckoned with.  The power by numbers rule.
  10. It will take 6 months to a year before you can quit your job – This fact isn’t set in stone, but I know you know what I’m saying.  For the average John or Jane simply gripping the basics of making money online will take 3 to 6 months minimum, and then follows the 3 to 6 months of trial and error, research, and development.  The first time most of us type “make money online” or “work at home” into Google is because we’re currently at a job, or in a financial position that we are not happy with.  Learning the ropes usually occurs on a part-time basis which will increase the amount of time before the implementation stage takes place.  In my case I was fired from a job and had Veronica holding down the fort until I found a replacement gig – which gave me 6-8 hours a day to learn what I know now, therefor speeding up the process of learning.

Set goals for yourself, be realistic and treat this opportunity like any other business.  If you are looking to get rich quick you’ll be disappointed to discover that your dreams of fast cars and Peruvian hookers are often interrupted by episodes of insomnia and countless hours of hard work. Guru’s are great, but common sense is better.  Any points I missed that you guys would like to add?  I’d love to hear some of your experiences.



Internet Marketing And Magic Buttons

I really hate to be the one to break it to you – there is absolutely no magic button, or secret system that will make you rich overnight on the internet.  None.  Zero.  Zip.  There, I said it.  I know a lot of newcomers are probably thinking “well then how come there are all these guru’s claiming to have discovered the answer to all of my problems?”  Because that is how they make their money. 🙂

It took me several months to sift through the hype and focus in on the actual core values and elements involved with starting an online business.  This may seem shocking, but the truth of the matter is that starting a business on the internet is no different from growing as an entrepreneur in the real world.  There are specific “tools of the trade” required to become an online success and the best part of all is that the initial investment, compared to the real world, is very minimal.  If you are looking to get cracking immediately, feel free to use the list below as a starting point to building your collection of magic buttons:

  • Web Hosting and Domain Name – No matter what any guru tells you, it is essential to learn the ropes and become familiar with using an FTP as well as configuring domain re-directs, at the very least.  It is very possible to produced income without owning a domain or having a web host package, but you will be skipping a very important developmental stage in your e-business career.  Learning the ropes from the ground up will ensure you have a strong foundation for the future.
  • Autoresponder – “The money is in the list”.  I know this for a fact but from a different end of the spectrum.  Being in music production and artist development over the last 8 years, when it comes time to promote a new album, upcoming shows, contests etc.. the first thing I would do is send a blast out to my mailing list.  Having a program like Aweber or GetResponse will give you the ability to manager subscribers, tweak the opt-in process, seperate your contacts and leads into groups, and even set up autoresponders for different purposes i.e. you have one autoresponder set up to send thanks and confirmation for your vinyl records niche site subscription, and a second set up to blast out your weekly 5 part e-course to the list of subscribers from your real estate niche site.  This is one of the TRUE secrets for real.  Not much of a secret now, is it?
  • Content Management System – Whether you are able to design your own websites or not, you still need a CMS or sitebuilder program of some sort to help you compile your sites, and make sure they are optimized for the search engines and floods of traffic from Mr. Guru’s Affiliate Flood Tactics $97 e-book that you just purchased.  Personally, when I first started with internet marketing and affiliate networks I went with the Build A Niche Store script.  If you are semi-computer saavy, and have the time to properly research your niche and make each and every category and sub-category unique using your keyphrases and meta information, the BANs script is a great place to start.  I have also been hearing some funky fresh things about X-Site Pro.  At first glance it looks very powerful and versatile.  If you know a little bit of HTML and CSS, then you can’t go wrong with WordPress as your CMS.  It is what we use for this site, and the learning curve is not bad at all!

So there you have it.  After searching long and hard for these buttons and switches you keep hearing about on Jimmy Cracks affiliate marketing blog, I’ve saved you some time and given you a head start.  Nothing will ever be free.  No matter what anybody says you have to put in money to make money.  If this was the real world you would be looking at an initial investment of around $25,000-$30,000 to get a business started.  To start making money on the internet, you need about $200-$500.  Since most products like web hosting or autoresponder services provide a price plan for an entire year, your only expenses after the intial drop is grabbing domain names for your campaigns.  If you google “godaddy coupons” you will find tons of promo codes that will get you domains for dirt cheap – never pay full price if you don’t have to!

Let me know what you guys think, and good luck to those of you just getting started.

