Become A Ninja Link Master By Combining Social Bookmarking Tools

Ninja Links | Mass BookmarkingI’m sitting here waiting for my man D to come through so we can rehearse for our show tomorrow night, so I figured I’ll bang out a post while I’m waiting.  If you guys don’t know Mark Hansen by now read through my 20 questions session I did with him, and visit him over at – Mark is the man when it comes to building niche affiliate websites, keyword research tactics and keeping the public up to date with eBay’s wonderful (sarcastic) affiliate program.  Mark is usually pretty sharp in regards to finding out about cool little programs and services that make our lives online easier, and he recently posted up about another social bookmarking tool that I knew you guys would be interested in.

Remember when I introduced a few of you to and their awesome social bookmarking service?  Well, take that concept but add the ability to securely input and save your account info, so you don’t have to manually enter it every time you want to bookmark something!  Yes sir, does exactly this!  I’ve just gone through the sign up process and after creating my log in it immediately took me to a page when I enter in my user/pass for 19 top social bookmarking sites listed as follows:

  • Backflip
  • Bibsonomy
  • Blinklist
  • Blue Dot
  • BookmarkSync
  • Connotea
  • Diigo
  • Furl
  • Google Bookmarks
  • Jumptags
  • linkatopia
  • Linkroll
  • ma.gnolia
  • MyWebYahoo
  • Simpy
  • Spurl
  • Twitter

I could very well have hyper-linked each of those for you, but I think it would be safe to assume that the majority of you know these bookmarking services, and how to find them!  Right?  Right.  Copy and paste the name into your address bar and add a .com at the end of it, and hit enter!

Now obviously you don’t have to fill in all 19 services for OnlyWire to work it’s magic, but if you really wanted to get 19 free backlinks in a few minutes than this site is the way to go.  Combine the speed of OnlyWire with the selection of SocialMarker and you have yourself a well oiled social bookmarking machine! Talk about easy link building for new sites.  Services like this really make what used to be such a tedious task easy enough that you could work it into your day without breaking a sweat.

I’m going to put together a short Camtasia tutorial once I get my accounts up and running – there won’t be much to it as the OnlyWire interface is super simple, and there’s not much to it at all.  Put in your social bookmarking account info, save it, add the bookmarklet to your toolbar, and start bookmarking!

Take a peak and let me know what you guys think!



18 thoughts on “Become A Ninja Link Master By Combining Social Bookmarking Tools”

  1. Ok Elijah, I am going to check this one out as well. When you put me onto, I was stunned that such a service was available.

    I got around the constant sign up my using Google Chrome which saves you passwords to all the sites. So every time I go to a new bookmarker inside of social marker, I would already be logged in.

    Anyway, I am always down with the cutting edge. I will check it out!

    Freddies last blog post..Blog Action Day 08: Poverty

  2. I have yet to check out G Chrome – but that sounds like a really interesting feature! I don’t have the time to learn a new browser right now!

  3. @ Underdogblogger – great indeed!

    @ Joe – nothing ever surprises me with your ninja-ass, always ahead of the game!

    @ Dennis – Going Batty! lol.. ah man.. If I wasn’t half west indian I’d have no idea what the hell you were talking about, but because I am.. you best know I just busted out with a good laugh!

    @ Ian – not necessarily submitted EVERY post that you do, but when you write good pillar articles such as “top 10” style of instructional style, take the 5 minutes and get them going on the bookmarking sites. It’s not shady by any means, and there is no rule saying you can’t submit your own site. It helps immensely with backlinking, and building authority.

    Elijahs last blog post..Become A Ninja Link Master By Combining Social Bookmarking Tools

  4. Man this thing has been working great for me!! It takes a few days to get the links showing in Yahoo explorer, which usually shows backlinks first… but they do come.

    The next step is to take all of your social bookmark account pages you created and submit them to Google rss etc. Every time you add a new link, you ping the bookmark to google and some others, then shabam – your links are instantly indexed!

    Good post man!!


    Mark Hansens last blog post..Tips for Sending Engaged Traffic to eBay

  5. @ J –

    I havent used Socialmarker – but will today! LOL The results I got from Onlywire showed inbound links within 1-2 days in Yahoo site explorer. Not ALL of them were showing, but several did.


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  7. Hi guys, I’ve been using OnlyWire and just thinking about Thanks for pointing out the difference. I guess I will have to remember what sites to submit to through Social Marker. OnlyWire indeed remembers your choices.

    By the way, great to see you use Dofollow in your comment section, I think dofollow is cool 😉
    .-= Matt @ DofollowCool, Make Your Blog Dofollow, Free the Web´s last blog ..Labels Gadget Will Improve Blogger Search Engine Optimization =-.

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